Operation Big Bookbag is a Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority International Project in which chapters provide selected schools and other facilities across the nation with bookbags, textbooks, computers, and other supplies & school-related essential items.
Mu Beta Sigma Alumnae Chapter in Round Rock, Texas, of Sigma Gamma Rho, Inc, is launching one of our five National Initiatives, Operation Big Book Bag, and we are requesting your support. The initiative will run from July 1 - August 15, 2023.
Mu Beta Sigma is asking for donations of school supplies, backpacks, and monetary donations as we partner with the Partners in Education (PIE) Foundation in Round Rock, Texas, to equip students with the means of completing their homework assignments in an effort to keep them current and up to date. Mu Beta Sigma is also working to zero out the school lunch balances for those kids that ended the school year with a balance on their meal account.
Please support and share. You can purchase items through Amazon at the below link: